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February 2015

This is part five of a 5-part blog series on ways to dramatically improve the ROI of employee development that do not cost a cent. 5. Define your development objective FIRST… then the method You maximize your ROI for employee development when you start my clearly identifying and agreeing upon the learning objective.  To “take a class in excel” is not a learning objective, but to “develop...

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This is part four of a 5-part blog series on ways to dramatically improve the ROI of employee development that do not cost a cent. 4. Leverage different development methods It is revealing to review the development plans associated with the annual performance appraisal process within most organizations.  If there are defined action plans – 95% seem to recommend participation in a training class.  Several years ago...

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This is part three of a 5-part blog series on ways to dramatically improve the ROI of employee development that do not cost a cent. Focus on developing strengths It may seem counterintuitive and is definitely NOT the traditional approach to development planning – but invest in developing the strengths of others.  Now there are some ‘weakness’ or skill gaps that must be addressed through targeted development,...

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Corporations spend billions of dollars annually on training and development… but struggle to measure and maximize their return on this investment - in their people (what I call ROI-p).   This is part one of a 5-part blog series on ways to dramatically improve the ROI of employee development that do not cost a cent. 1.     Make learning (& its application) part of your daily conversations Somewhere along...

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